Would you pay $2,999 for this 12 gauge Arrieta SxS shotgun?

Found! E.C. Griffith’s 12 gauge Parker Bros. Pigeon gun…

This week’s good guns: Powered by Gunsinternational.com…

Rare double alert: 16g L.C. Smith 2E, straight grip, double triggers…

Get this great grouse gun: 20g Browning Superposed Superlight…

Good gun alert: a rare 20 gauge Manufrance Ideal Gr. 2 double barrel shotgun…

This week’s good guns. Powered by Gunsinternational.com.

Did John Dickson & Son build Purdey shotguns? Yes…

Gone! Dream Beretta AS EELL O/U sells in just a few hours..

Good gun alert: a nice little 28 gauge AyA #2 sidelock shotgun…

Good gun alert: 12 gauge Francotte hammergun, fluid steel barrels…

The cost of quality…

Auction alert: Winchester M21, L.C. Smith .410, Charles Daly & more…

Real pretty…but really real? A 20 gauge A.H. Fox DE Special…

Auction alert: a 20 gauge Beretta BL-5 O/U shotgun…

Good gun alert: another nice 20 gauge Beretta ASE…

First crush: the straight-gripped, 20g Beretta Onyx O/U…

Genuine Woodward gun cases – perfect for your vintage O/U…

Shooting the King’s Woodwards….

Good gun alert: a .410 SigArms O/U double barrel shotgun…

Late auction alert: Krider, Greener, Parker, Browning, Darne, & more…

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