A pa’tridge gun: A 16g Parker VH double barrel shotgun…

Auction alert: 16g Evans, Boswell, 20g Darne, 20g Scott, 12g AyA…

Wow: a real nice Ithaca Flues Grade 3E 20 gauge SxS…

Rarely seen in America: a Baikal MU 7 12ga over-under…

Good gun alert: A 28g L.L. Bean / Sigarms over-under shotgun…

Good gun alert: A 12 gauge B.C. Miroku My Luck Model FE sidelock double barrel…

This week’s good guns: Powered by Gunsinternational.com…

Check out the original condition on this 12 gauge L.C. Smith 3E…

Good gun alert: a Beretta Orvis Uplander, O/U, 20g-28g, 28″…

Maybe the only one: a Best-quality 28 gauge Woodward SxS shotgun…

Auction alert: Winchester M21, SxS, 16g, 28″…

Good gun alert: a Beretta S-2, OU, Double Barrel Shotgun…

Good gun alert: 16 gauge Fox Sterlingworth Skeet & Upland Game…

Mystery shotgun: a 10/12 gauge J.A. Prechtel “Lefever” double barrel…

This week’s good guns: Powered by Gunsinternational.com…

Rare: a a 12g Sneider side-by-side hammerless shotgun…

A quick post: Rare Browning 12g BSS Sporter, 28″ bbls, straight grip…

Found! The perfect Fox Sterlingworth for a project…

This week’s good guns: powered by Gunsinternational.com…

Shhh…this 12 gauge Purdey Light Game Gun is such an elegant double…

A very British 20 gauge Winchester M21 Double Barrel Shotgun…

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