The North American “Amazon” You’ve Never Heard Of—And Why It’s In Peril
By Chris Dorsey. Published www.SportingClassicsDaily.com, Jun 30, 2020.

“When last September’s chilling news from Cornell University’s Laboratory of Ornithology hit press wires reporting a decline of some three billion birds across North America since the 1970s, there was one group in Chicago already making plans to raise awareness about the shocking problem and the little-known habitat that holds the key to continental bird populations.
“The prairie wetlands that stretch mostly from western Canada to North and South Dakota are as ecologically important to North America as the Amazon is to South America or the Serengeti is to Africa,” says Charles Potter, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation President and CEO. “Yet few people know of this important and imperiled ecosystem. We’re going to change that.”…
Read all of Chris Dorsey’s article now: The North American “Amazon” You’ve Never Heard Of—And Why It’s In Peril
Here’s more info from the National Wildlife Federation website.
Read: Breaking the Prairie: Wildlife habitat in the Prairie Pothole Region is falling to the plow as the United States expands production of corn and soybeans—much of it to help fill our gas tanks.
More info: US Fish & Wildlife Services page.
Checkout efforts to save this amazing part of America by the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture and watch these videos to see what Ducks Unlimited and Delta Waterfowl are doing to help it, too.