The ultimate grouse gun: I’ve been searching for it for years. This 20 gauge A.H. Fox AE double barrel shotgun on Gunbroker could be it. With double triggers, decent stock dimensions (1-1/2″ x 2-1/2″ x 14-1/4) and lots of original condition, it’s pretty much all I could want in an American side-by-side.
The A.H. Fox gun company billed their A grades as “…a gun that the discriminating sportsman will appreciate as to price and workmanship. It is not a cheap gun, but a more than good gun at a reasonable figure, and can be built to your own specifications without extra charge. The material and fittings are of superior FOX class.”
A.H. Fox made fewer than 4,000 graded 20 gauges, so any one you come across is a good find. And if you’ve ever thought about buying one, I suggest you act quickly. This auction is endings soon. Who knows when you’ll see another nice 20g Fox like it again?

Here’s more about the gun from the seller’s description:
From my personal collection. Very pretty little AE Grade 20 gauge Fox Gun. SN 203xx, marked “Made by A.H. Fox Gun Co Philadelphia PA USA” on barrels and “Ansley H Fox” on receiver sides. 2-3/4″ chambers, “Chromox Fluid Compressed Steel” marked on the 26″ tubes, choked Imp/Full (.015″/0.030″) 99% blue, 97% wood with some scraps and small hunting dings, 98% original case, perfect bores, no dents, no bulges, perfect mechanicals perfect, ejector operation, weight 6 pounds, stocked 1-1/2″ x 2-1/2″ x 14-1/4″ right hand shoot cast.In it’s original leather Leg of Mutton case. Great gun!