Boom! Hunting buffs with a .700 Nitro Express double rifle ….

Hunting Cape Buffalo with a SAFARI IMPERIAL 700 NE boxlock made by Verney-Carron
Hunting Cape Buffalo with a SAFARI IMPERIAL 700 NE boxlock made by Verney-Carron

Here’s a cool look at hunting Cape Buffalo with a SAFARI IMPERIAL .700 Nitro Express boxlock side-by-side double rifle made by the gunmaker Verney-Carron.

The 700 Nitro Express was created by Holland & Holland in 1988. It shoots a 1,000 gr (65 g) bullet at 2,000 ft/s (610 m/s) and with about 8,900 foot-pounds of muzzle energy . In an 18-pound rifle, this load pushes back with 160 ft·lbf —  10X more recoil than most .308s. Ouch.

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