Check out this crispy, 16 gauge F.W. Heym over/under…

The hammer falls, and the results are in on the Boss…

Auction alert: Westley Richards at Rock Island…

Original vs. redone: the real cost of a restock…

Couple cool double barrels: a W & C Scott & a J.D. Dougall…

Breed of the Week: The Cesky Fousek…

Top guns: Fine doubles on the market right now…

This could almost be America…

London auction alert – 4/18: an E.M. Reilly sidelock ejector…

Good gun alert: Ugarteburu sidelock 20 gauge

A look at the old days of bird dog training…

London auction alert, 4/18: Henry Atkin sidelock…

A new book from the author of Steady with Style….

London auction alert: Gavin Gardiner, April 18th…

Good gun alert: 20 gauge Beretta Gr-2 double barrel…

Kid chases grouse, grouse chases kid….

Nice case, but where are the Boss shotguns???

That’s one quick grouse…..

Original Westley Richards case labels….

Good gun alert: FAIR Model 600 16 gauge O/U…

Breed of the Week: The Braque Saint Germain…

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