This video gives me that feeling…

Michigan, 1917. Now that’s some grouse…

On Ebay: nice Red Head Leg O’Mutton shotgun case…

Some rare gunmaker case labels. Check’em out…

Interesting olde timey hunting picture…

Auction Alert: a 16 gauge Fox Sterlingworth, 30″ bbls, ejectors…

Daily Double: 12 gauge Frederick Williams boxlock non ejector…

Pigeon shooting in South Africa…

Real pretty Westley Richards 12 gauge Droplock…

Auction Alert: 20 gauge A.H. Fox Sterlingworth, 28″ bbls…

A great deal on this 12g Francotte Grade 14…

A 1951 Abercrombie & Fitch Ad…

Annie Oakley’s Parker bring big bucks…

Flushers and pointers working together…

Auction Alert: 12 gauge Francotte, 12g Westley Richards

Fantastic gun alert: an A.A. Brown & Sons sidelock 12 gauge…

Good Gun Alert: 20 gauge Dumoulin side-by-side…

Beyond range: How far out does your dog run?

Auction Alert: a Sigarms Aurora TT45 12g…

You gotta love them woodcock…

On Ebay right now: a Couple nice gun cases…

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