Auction Alert: small-bore Ithacas, Foxes, Skeeters & other shotguns…

Boss & Co. Over & Under Double Rifle: Pt. II

Duck numbers take flight…


Solid price for a 4 gauge shotgun…

Is this Ithaca 20 gauge double barrel really an NID Skeet?

A good deal on a nice Francotte .410…

Wild quail hunting at Sinkola Plantation…

Auction Alert: Parkers, L.C. Smiths, Fox double barrels…

South Dakota and lots of real wild pheasants…

Good Gun Alert: a Manufrance Ideal Grade 4 SxS 16 gauge…

Doing better…

Auction Alert: a MINTY 16 gauge Parker DHE shotgun…

A good cause for a great bird…

Should you refinish your double? One expert’s opinion..

The big BOOM – 4 gauge and 8 gauge shotguns at auction…

You’re joking, right? A Boss Over / Under Double Rifle…

So…does South Dakota stock pheasants?

Finally, an air-freshener I actually like…

On Ebay now: an Infallible Single Trigger…

A soft spot for the Ithaca Flues…

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