Four good guns, powered by…

A great time at Grey’s…

My second season begins today…

Another good looking Guyot double barrel…

Good gun alert: another nice 20g Browning Superposed…

Breed of the week: the Vizsla…

Good gun alert: a 20 Browning Superlight, 12g Superposed…

My 5 favorite doubles, powered by…

Did I blow it?

Good gun alert: a 12 gauge L.C. Smith Specialty Featherweight…

Auction alert: a bunch of Browning BSSs, an Italian sidelock…

You’re going chukar hunting…

Great video of bird dogs on the prairies…

Good gun alert: a 16g Charles Daly Diamond Quality side by side…

My 5 favorite doubles, powered by…

Good Gun Alert: a 12g Verney-Carron sidelock shotgun…

More about German Shorthair Pointers…

Auction Alert: Parkers, Winchesters, Brownings & more…

Here’s a hard to find double: a Lefever D grade side by side…

What’s it worth — a nice 12g W.W. Greener…

Going…going…and I bet it’s gone…

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