Something I would love to try: Wood Ducks over decoys…

Will it finally sell? An Orvis/Arrieta 20 gauge side by side…

Good gun alert: a 20 gauge Charles Daly side by side…

Another great Guyot side-by-side shotgun….

Good gun alert: a 16 gauge Browning Citori O/U…

Get into the guts of a sidelock shotgun…

Good gun alert: nice looking 28 gauge side by side…

Gunmaking: how Holland & Holland does it…

Good gun alert: a real nice 16 gauge L.C. Smith Ideal grade….


Wow – $1165 for that 16g Ithaca Flues…

So what do you think it’s worth?

Shooting tips from Mike Yardley…

Good gun alert: a new Webley & Scott 28 gauge side-by-side….

There’s always another October…

Gone! Yesterday’s 20 gauge is already sold…

Good gun alert: this one won’t be on the market long…

Auction alert: Parker DHEs, L.C. Smith, Manufrance Ideal, Browning, Ithaca….

Auction Alert: 20g Winchester M21, Parker DHE & Beretta 686 DU…

Auction alert: a super rare 12g Boss hammergun with ejectors…

The end of bird hunting as we know it?

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