Good gun alert: 16 gauge Fox Sterlingworth Skeet & Upland Game…

Mystery shotgun: a 10/12 gauge J.A. Prechtel “Lefever” double barrel…

South Dakota is dying…

Afternoon update: Good call & snow squalls…

First report: Woodcock hunting in Love & Hate….

Me and my dog…

This week’s good guns: Powered by…

Rare: a a 12g Sneider side-by-side hammerless shotgun…

Puck and I are back in the game…

A quick post: Rare Browning 12g BSS Sporter, 28″ bbls, straight grip…

Found! The perfect Fox Sterlingworth for a project…

This week’s good guns: powered by…

Yeah – I’m a slacker…

Old England vs. New England…they sure look a lot alike…

My season starts today…

Shhh…this 12 gauge Purdey Light Game Gun is such an elegant double…

A very British 20 gauge Winchester M21 Double Barrel Shotgun…

Wow – what a Woodward. A Round Body 12 gauge Over-Under…

Gushing about Boss & Co. Builders of BEST GUNS only…

Is this a genuine L.C. Smith No. 3 Pigeon Gun? Maybe….

Simply fantastic: a 1930’s vintage 20 gauge Boss O/U shotgun…

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