Shotgun impacts in slow motion, from The Slow Mo Guys

Really rare Parker: A 12 gauge BHE Trap with special features…

Auction alert: Parker, Lefever, Ithaca, Merkel, Blanch……

This week’s good guns: Powered by…

Great dogs, a nice double, and a great day…

Act fast: Nice 12 gauge A.H. Fox A grade, auction ends today…

How they do it: Beautiful engraving on Piotti shotgun…

Real pretty Piottis: a 28 gauge Monte Carlo & a 28 gauge Lunik…

A special double: an A.H. Fox Sterlingworth Deluxe 20 gauge…

Merry Christmas! Here’s what was on my list…

An extraordinary brace of 28g Boss shotguns: an O/U & a SxS…

Auction alert: a 20 gauge Beretta 626 Onyx SxS…

Good gun alert: a 10 gauge, 3 1/2″ Neumann SxS shotgun…

Gallery of Great Guns: a stunning 16 gauge Winchester M21 Deluxe Skeet…

Springer Spaniel + Cocker Spaniel = ….?

Two real nice Euro O/Us: A 12 gauge Sodia and a .410 Merkel…

Very original & very unique: A rare MacNaughton side-by-side double rifle…

Pretty cool: Diver ducks and layout boats….

The finest James Purdey & Son bar-in-wood SxS shotgun in America?

Auction alert: a .410 L.C. Smith, 12 Parker DHE, 28g Ithaca & more

Awesome! A super original 1933 Holland & Holland Modele De Luxe double rifle…

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