Bargain bird guns: This nice double doesn’t cost a fortune…

20 gauge B.C. Miroku / Charles Daly Double Barrel O/U Shotgun
20 gauge B.C. Miroku / Charles Daly Double Barrel O/U Shotgun

I like shotguns (obviously, right?) and it’s easy for me to get caught up in the stuff that I can’t afford. Even though I appreciate their quality, and the skill that goes into making them, I know my chances of  owning a pristine Purdey side-by-side or Boss over-under are pretty slim.

Fortunately, I don’t have to spend huge amounts of money to get a nice double. Neither do you.

Just check out the 20 gauge Miroku/Charles Daly O/U that you see here. It’s a good looking, well made shotgun, and it costs less than one of those ugly Benelli Super Eagle things.

People have called these O/Us the poor-man’s Citori. But I would call them the wise-man’s bargain. They’re basically the same gun at 1/2 the price. There’s nothing “poor” about making a smart deal like that.

20 gauge B.C. Miroku / Charles Daly Double Barrel O/U Shotgun
20 gauge B.C. Miroku / Charles Daly Double Barrel O/U Shotgun
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