How many are you making? Top 5 shooting mistakes and how to fix them …
Chances are pretty good you’re making at least one of these. Is it #2? #4? Watch the video to see.
Chances are pretty good you’re making at least one of these. Is it #2? #4? Watch the video to see.
Would you shoot this awesome old double? I would. Check out how nice it is.
Read this if you’re thinking about “restoring” an old double? It will make you think again.
I’m psyched to see this. Hopefully, you can check it out, too.
From this little 28g RBL to a Winchester M21 Duck, and 12g Purdey bar-in-wood, and two bargain birds guns. See all of them now.
Great points, great flushes, and a great time. See them all in this quick video.
See one what one gun expert things. Warning: If you love American doubles, your feelings may be hurt.
Two nice 20g SxSs are being auctioned off on Saturday. Check them out now.
As OUs take over the shooting world, it’s good to know some guys still like SxS. In this film, one of them tells us why.
Lanyards are something I never gave much thought to. See why Bob Bertram’s Heirloom Quality Braided Lanyards changed my mind.
This great OU is up for auction now. The listing ends soon, so check it out now. You could get a deal.
From this fabulous Piotti .410 to a killer Greifelt 20g OU. See these great guns now…
A great 20g Piotti, this legit 12g AH Fox SUPERFOX, and three more great doubles. See them all now.
From this old-school, flintlock Westley Richards to a modern Perazzi OU. See all the great guns that popped up on the market this week.
Check out this great little SxS now. It’s a killer gun, and there’s an interesting story behind it.
Awesome doubles, including 2 grail guns – one a this killer 16g Lefever, the other an awesome Beretta 20g ASEL OU. See all five double barrel shotguns now.
Bargain 20g Browning? Time’s running out on your chance to bid — and maybe get a deal.
From this rare MacNaighton to a killer 20g Westley Richarrds droplock and a great 16g Parker VHE. See them all now.
You could buy a house with the amount someone paid for this gun. Any idea why it’s worth that much?
Bid now and you may go home with a bargain. This Browning BSS is being auctioned off at No Reserve.