There are some nice looking guns coming up this weekend. Here are a few of the auctions:

-20g Parker, 16g L.C. Smith
Sat. 9/25, 10am
Dunn & Madden Auction Services LLC, Hamlin, PA.
-12g L.C. Smith, 12g Ithacas
Sat. 9/25, 9am
Mountain City Realty & Auction, LLC, Roanoke, VA
-10g W & C Scott, Parkers, Bakers, Fox
Sat. 9/25, 10am
Belcher McPherson Auction Company, Marshall, MI
-12g Lefevers
Sat. 9/25, 10am
Pickett Auction Service, Stewartsville, MO
-12g Lefever, Syracuse gun, nice looking
Sat. 9/25, 10am
Beyer Auction Service Inc., Ludington, MI