Auction Alert: W.W. Greener, Holland & Holland double rifles…

Good guns are where you find, and you never know where a nice side-by-side will pop up. Just check out these double rifles coming up at this little auction in Kuna, ID.

BTW: You can get great deals at little auctions like this. You can also get very burned. Be sure you have these guns checked out thoroughly before bidding.

W.W. Greener Double Rifle
W.W. Greener Double Rifle

W.W. Greener .450/400  – W.W. Greener DRs are hard to find and from what I can see this one looks very original. With a litt’e cleaning up and care, it could be  a great gun.

Holland & Holland Double Rifle
Holland & Holland Double Rifle

Holland & Holland – this DR has problems, and it looks like a P-R-O-J-E-C-T. But it does look original and it is an H&H.

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