Bonhams Fall, 2012 Antique Arms & Armor and Modern Sporting Guns sale is on Monday, November 12. If you click here, you should be to see all the shotguns in the sale.
This year’s sale is in San Francisco, CA, which is nice for American buyers. You can bid away and not have to worry about the hassle of importing any lots you win. Good luck.
Lot 3389: A 20 gauge Parker Brothers VHE Grade boxlock shotgun with hang tag and factory letter.
Lot 3391: 16 gauge DHE Grade Parker Brothers boxlock ejector shotgun. This is a late gun with lots of original condition. Very hard to find like this.

Lot 3392: 12 gauge A-1 Special Parker Brothers boxlock shotgun two barrel set. After these three Invincibles, the A-1 Specials were the highest grade shotguns Parker ever created. They introduced the first one around 1907 and about 79 in all.
Lot 3393: 20 gauge Winchester Model 21 boxlock trap shotgun
Lot 3394: 12 gauge L.C. Smith Monogram Grade sidelock ejector shotgun with hang tag and factory letter. Made in 1924. Another rare America side by side. Introduced in 1895 and offered until 1945, L.C. Smith made fewer than 250 of these shotguns.