Alderfer Auction & Appraisal in Hatfield, PA, is having a firearms sale tomorrow, July 15, 2014, @12:00 PM EST. If you’re into American side-by-sides, this is a sale you’ll want to check out. There are nice guns by L.C. Smith, Parker Bros., A.H. Fox, Winchesters, and Ithaca. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye:

Lot 120: LC Smith Crown Grade side by side double barrel shotgun: 20 ga. 26″ bbls. IM/Full chokes. SN 6421E. Blued finish on barrels, ejectors, Hunter Selective single trigger, full case colored receiver and locks, side locks are highly engraved with game dog scenes, excellent bores, white bead front and middle sights, middle bead is slightly worn, checkered walnut stock and forend show little to no handling marks, rubber buttplate, top of barrel rib is checkered and is stamped “Made to Order by the Fulton Arms Co Fulton NY”. All serial numbers match. Bore diameter: right – .620, left – .619. Bore restrictions: right – .020, left – .022. Chambers: 2-1/2″. Drop at comb: 1-5/8″, drop at heel: 2-3/4″. Weight: 5 lbs. 10 oz. LOP: 13-5/16″ over 1″ silvers type pad. Estimated Price: $15,000 – $20,000
Lot 121: Parker Bros DHE Grade side by side double barrel shotgun. 20 ga. 32″ bbls. Full/Full chokes. SN 222427. Blued finish on barrels, excellent bores, full case colored engraved receiver showing hunting dog on both sides, ejectors, double triggers, steel bead front sight, white bead middle sight, engraved barrel rib is stamped “Parker Bros Makers Merideth CT USA Titanic Steel”, walnut stock and forend show little to no handling marks, Parker Bros marked black pistol grip cap, leather buttpad. All serial numbers match. Bore diameter: right – .622, left – .622. Bore restrictions: right – .027, left – .026. Chambers: 2-3/4″. Drop at comb: 1-5/8″, drop at heel: 2-5/8″. Weight: 6 lbs. 15 oz. LOP: 14-5/16″ over 1-1/4″ leather covered pad. Estimated Price: $6,000 – $10,000

Lot 122: Parker Bros BHE Grade side by side double barrel shotgun. 20 ga. 25-7/8″ bbls. Skeet/IM chokes. SN 166563. Reblued finish on barrels, barrels have been shortened by a little bit, single bead steel front sight, nearly full case colored receiver, receiver is highly engraved with a pair of hunting dogs on both sides, bores are slightly dirty but look good, double triggers, straight grip checkered walnut stock and forend show very minor handling marks, barrel rib is stamped “Parker Bros Makers Meriden Conn ACME Steel”, original skeleton buttplate. All serial numbers match. Bore diameter: right – .625, left – .628. Bore restrictions: right – .004, left – .021. Chambers: 2-3/4″. Drop at comb: 1-7/8″, drop at heel: 3-1/2″. Weight: 5 lbs. 14 oz. LOP: 14″ over skeleton butt. Estimated Price: $12,000 – $16,000

Lot 123: Parker Bros AHE Grade side by side double barrel shotgun. 28 ga. 26″ bbls. Modified/Full chokes. SN 188861. Original blued finish on metal, over 70% original case color, “00” frame, some very small spots of light oxidation on underside of receiver, checkered walnut stock and forend show handling marks with a few being deep, receiver shows quail game scene on left side and pheasant scene on right, underside engraving shows hunting dog, barrel rib is stamped “Parker Bros Makers Meriden Conn ACME Steel”, lever mechanism sometimes sticks preventing the gun from closing, simply pushing lever to the right allows gun to close, single steel bead front sight, double triggers, skeleton buttplate. All serial numbers match. Bore diameter: right – .560, left – .556. Bore restrictions: right – .016, left – .023. Chambers: 2-1/2″. Drop at comb: 1-5/8″, drop at heel: 2-5/8″. Weight: 5 lbs. 4 oz. LOP: 14-1/16″ over skeleton buttplate. Estimated Price: $30,000 – $40,000

Lot 125: AH Fox XE Grade side by side double barrel shotgun. 12 ga. 30″ bbls. Modified/Full chokes. SN 25397. Blued finish on barrels, excellent bores, Kautzky single selective trigger, white bead front and middle sights, highly engraved receiver shows grouse scene on left side, duck scene on right and a fox scene on underside, approximately 40% of case color remaining, checkered walnut stock shows little to no handling marks, right side of stock does have a small stress crack just behind receiver, appears to be restocked but the forearm appears to be original, after market rubber buttpad. Slight dent in left barrel forward of forend. Left side barrel is stamped “Made by AH Fox Gun Co Phila PA USA”, right side barrel is stamped “Chromox Fluid Compressed Steel”. All serial numbers match. Bore diameter: right – .731, left – .730. Bore restrictions: right – .023, left – .039. Chambers: 2-1/2″. Drop at comb: 2″, drop at heel: 3-1/8″. Weight: 7 lbs. 7 oz. LOP: 14″ over 1″ Old English pad. Very good. Estimated Price: $3,000 – $5,000

Lot 137: Parker Bros VHE Grade side by side double barrel shotgun. 28 ga. 26″ bbls. Skeet/M chokes. SN 145394. Blued finish on barrels, little to no case color left on receiver, newer checkered walnut stock by Remington and forend show little to no handling marks, bores are slightly dirty but look good, double triggers, steel bead front sight, black pistol-grip cap has the engraved name of prior owner, checkered black plastic buttplate is intact. All serial numbers match. Barrel rib is stamped “Parker Brothers Makers Meriden Conn Vulcan Steel”. Bore diameter: right – .556, left – .559. Bore restrictions: right – .004, left – .012. Chambers: 2-3/4″. Weight: 6 lbs. 10 oz. 0 Frame. Excellent. Estimated Price: $6,000 – $12,000

Lot 138: Ithaca Grade 4E side by side double barrel shotgun. 16 ga. 30″ bbls. Full/Modified chokes. SN 326745. Blued finish on metal, full case colored receiver, receiver shows a few small areas of light freckling, bores are very dirty, underside of barrel shows an area where the factory sling attachment has been removed and stock shows a hole where the sling stud would have been, double triggers have an oxidized green finish, checkered walnut stock and forend show handling marks, factory black plastic buttplate shows minor chips. All serial numbers match. Estimated Price: $500 – $900