Auction alert: an A.H. Fox A Grade 16 gauge…

16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun

Here’s your chance to get a deal on a classic upland gun. This 16 gauge A.H. Fox is coming up on Saturday at Cady Auction Gallery & Appraisal in Cedar Rapids, IA. From what I can see, this side-by-side looks like a nice, original shotgun.

16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade SxS Double Barrel Shotgun: Manufactured in 1924. Barrels are 28″. Engraved receiver. Checkered butt stock and forearm. Nickled trigger guard. All numbers match. SN 303657. Condition: Good, bore is bight and shiny.

16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
16 gauge A.H. Fox A grade double barrel shotgun
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