Yes — another auction alert for 20g Beretta BL-3. I can’t help myself. These are great guns for short money, and I feel obligated to get the word out about everyone one I come across. This one is on Gunbroker.com now and the listing ends Sunday, 1/20/2019 @10:00 PM.
But there’s one thing to point out about this listing: It’s an “AS IS – No refund or exchange” sale. So when you buy, it’s yours — regardless of any issues you discover. Even though this guns looks pretty clean and original, here are a few questions I suggest asking the seller before bidding:
- Are the barrels tight and on the face?
- Are there any dents, dings, or bulges in the barrels? Any pitting?
- Does the gun cock, fire, and function as it should?

Beretta Model BL-3 in 20GA with 26″ Barrel: (IC/M) and inertia trigger. Barrels are Improved Cylinder and Modified with a selector which one will go first. Excellent condition. Manufactured about the end of the 60’s, beginning of the 70’s.