Dear Santa-
How are things up north this year? Is it warming up at all? I hear you could be having problems with that. Anyway, you’re a busy guy and I won’t take up much of your time. I swear I’ve been good all year (or as good as I could be) and all I want for Christmas is:

1. One of these. I’m always looking for great English Pointers and Willy sure looks like a nice one. Hard Driving Bev and Centerpiece were great dogs. I’m sure he’ll be one, too. I promise to love him and feed him and walk him, too.
2. A pair of these. I love Boss shotguns, and if one is great, a pair of them is fantastic. I’ll take good care of these, too.
3. And if you can pull it off, this. I’ll need a place to run the dog and use the guns. There should be plenty of pheasants on that piece of ground to keep all of us happy.
Thanks. Your pal,