A trio of awesome H&H Royal double rifles. But will they sell?

Cased Holland & Holland Engraved Royal Double Barreled Express Rifle in 375 Magnum Flanged Cartridge Complete with all H&H Accessories and Factory Documentation
Cased Holland & Holland Engraved Royal Double Barreled Express Rifle in 375 Magnum Flanged Cartridge Complete with all H&H Accessories and Factory Documentation

Talk about extraordinary. Rock Island Auctions has this incredible set of Holland & Holland Royal double rifles coming up in this week’s sale:

Magnificent Set of Three Consecutively Serial Numbered Cased Holland & Holland Engraved Royal Double Barreled Express Rifles Complete with all H&H Accessories and Factory Documentation

The guns are from 1954 and consecutively serial numbered: 35248 – a 7 M/M Magnum Flanged35249 – a .300 H&H Flanged, and  35250 – a .375 Magnum Flanged. They’re all original and they come cased with just about every option imaginable: original scopes & mounts, extra sets of locks, ivory-bead front sights, a full compliment of cleaning accessories and more.

But while they’re certainly nice, I just can’t convince myself that they’re worth the amount quoted at the low end of the estimate – $90,000 a piece or $275,000 for all three. We’ll see if anyone disagrees with me.

Cased Holland & Holland Engraved Royal Double Barreled Express Rifle in 300 H&H Flanged Cartridge Complete with all H&H Accessories and Factory Documentation
Cased Holland & Holland Engraved Royal Double Barreled Express Rifle in 300 H&H Flanged Cartridge Complete with all H&H Accessories and Factory Documentation
Cased Holland & Holland Engraved Royal Double Barreled Express Rifle in 7 M/M Magnum Flanged Cartridge with all H&H Accessories and Factory Documentation
Cased Holland & Holland Engraved Royal Double Barreled Express Rifle in 7 M/M Magnum Flanged Cartridge with all H&H Accessories and Factory Documentation
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