The French have always been inventive gunmakers. Pauly, Lefecheaux and Darne gave the world some unique ideas on how double barrel shotguns could be made. Manufacture d’ Armes de Saint Etienne did the same thing. Their Ideal shotguns was another unique contribution to history of side by sides.

Ideal-model shotguns were introduced in 1887 and I think they were made into the 1960s. I think this one one was made around 1940. It’s a 16 gauge Gr. 2 with a straight grip, 28″ barrels, and the traditional double triggers. In the slideshow below you’ll also a higher grade Ideal with the monocle-style triggers.
The little lever behind the triggerguard opens & cocks the gun, and the little button on the triggerplate operates the gun’s safety mechanism. This gun weighs about 6lbs. You can see more Ideals and learn more about them here and here.