A few reason to give thanks …

My 16lb, Tom Turkey. Taken with a 12 gauge A.H. Fox HE "Super Fox" double barrel shotgun
My 16lb, Tom Turkey. Taken with a 12 gauge A.H. Fox HE “Super Fox” double barrel shotgun

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Even though it has been crummy year, there’s still so much I have to be thankful for. I hope the same is true for you.

… Everyone I’ve connected with through this blog

… Friends who have taken the time to teach me about hunting dogs and fine guns

Puck Pointing
Puck in her prime
Great guns - From an early Flli Rizzini to a minty 16g Parker VHE and W & C Scott Chatsworth. The Winchester M21 looks nice , too, and so does the Piotti.
Lexi pointing her first season

… Lexi and Puck, who gave me season after season of companionship, heart, and loyalty. Sky, is still by side and giving me all three.

Sky's first grouse of 2017, at Chandler Lake Camps
Sky’s first grouse of 2017, at Chandler Lake Camps

… My wife, whose love and support give me the strength to persevere during hard times and focus on what makes our lives special.

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