Looking for a grouse gun? Take your pick. These two 20 gauges would be perfect in the uplands, and they’re are also excellent deals.

20 gauge Orvis/Beretta Uplander 686 Over & Under: the Beretta 686 O/U is one of the world’s greatest guns. This one is set up to be the holy grail of doubles for grouse & woodcock. Lightweight, with a nice straight grip, excellent dimensions, and perfect chokes, it’s all you could ask for. With the all black action, it’s a great looking double, too.

-5lbs 14oz
-14 1/2 LOP, 1 3/8 DAC, 2 1/8 DAH
-26 1/2 inch barrels, 2 3/4, IC/MOD
20 gauge Orvis/Arrieta Uplander Side-by-Side: Arrieta makes some of the finest side-by-side shotguns coming out of Spain. For the money, this one here is almost impossible to beat — especially when you consider how much a comparable new one costs today ($5,000+).
-28″ bbls, 2 3/4″, IC/MOD