I’ve covered a ton of gunmakers on this blog. But one I haven’t written about is Renato Gamba.
Renato Gamba is one of Italy’s most established gunmakers. Located in Brescia, Italy, they’re best know in the US for O/U target guns like their Daytona. The company also makes side-by-sides, though, and the two you see here look nice doubles — and very fair deals.
This first model is a 12 gauge Renato Gamba “London“, the company’s second-grade SxS. I think the 12 gauge is an early Renato Gamba “Ambassador”, their best-quality side-by-side.

RENATO GAMBA – London Model 12ga. 27 ½”: IC/Light Mod. Straight grip stock to a checked butt, double triggers with the front trigger being articulated, automatic ejectors, gold oval, splinter forend, sidelock gun with case coled finish, Churchill rib, London oil finish, gun remains in pristine condition, includes case. 7 lb., 1 oz. 14 3/4”x 1 3/8” x 2 5/16”. Price: $4,500.00

GAMBA 20 BORE ITALIAN SIDELOCK EJECTOR – BEST & HIGHEST GRADE: – 28 1/2″ CHOPPER LUMP BARRELS – TOTALLY ORIGINAL GUN – 1974 – Double Triggers – Straight Hand at 14 1/4″ LOP – 6 Lbs. 11 Oz. – 98% Engraving Coverage – All the Features – Excellent Value #37272, Armi Renato Gamba S.p.A 25063 Gardone V.T., Brescia Italy. A 20 Bore Best Grade Sidelock Ejector Bar Action SxS Best Model Game Gun Made in 1974 with 28 1/2″ Ejector Chopper Lump Barrels with a hand filed flat rib at .628 .019 & .044″ (Imp.Mod. & Full), 1.300 KG weight barrels, 2 3/4″ chambers, Correct & Original bores & chokes, Bushed strikers, Double triggers with the front articulated, Pierced toplever, Rolled trigger guard for the right hand, Splinter forend with an Anson release, Straight hand stock at 14 1/4 x 1 1/4 x 1 7/16″ over a full face checkered butt, Slight cast-off for the right hand, Nice wood, 6 lbs. 11 oz., 98% coverage of fine floral engraving with bird scenes on a soft coin finished frame, Engraved & signed by A. Gamba, This Best Gun has 8 retaining locking screws on key screws, The barrels ring with a very pronounced chime. This gun remains in excellent plus condition and it is 97-98% since it left Brescia, Italy 40 years ago. This piece has all the features of their best gun in every respect. This is a very good value for a Quality Sidelock Game Gun from Italy. Price: $7,500.00