Good gun alert – Lefever EE at Cabelas…

Cabelas Gun Library just posted this real nice Lefever EE 12 gauge double barrel shotgun on their site. 12g Lefever EE double barrel, side by side captionIt has 28″ damascus bbls, ejectors, lots of color and nice pistol grip stock. Even though it has the condition to be a collector’s piece, it’s stock dimensions would also make it a good shooter : 14.24″ LOP, 2.25″ D @ Heel. Cabelas is asking $4,000 for this gun.

E-grades are Lefever’s middle quality guns. Above them are the Thousand-Dollar Grades, Optimuses, AAs, As, Bs, Cs, and Ds. The grades below E-grade Lefevers are Fs, Gs, Hs, DSs (Durston Specials) & Is.

Lefever EE 12 gauge double barrel shotgunThe E grades were introduced in 1883 and Lefever made around 11,000 of them, mostly in 12 gauge. They were also offered in 8, 10, 14, 16, & 20 gauges. E-grade’s guns came with three types of barrels: laminated steel, Damascus, and Krupp fluid steel.

If $4,000 is too much for you $2,999, Cabelas has a few other E-grade Lefevers in stock. This one is $3,399 and it has damascus bbls and ejectors (even though they don’t mention the ejectors in the listing). At $2,999, this EE is a later gun with a lot less color. It does have a straight-gripped stock – something I prefer on my guns.

Pictures courtesy of Cabelas.

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