Auction alert: Fox, L.C. Smith, Winchester & Charles Daly O/Us & more…

Auction time! Here are a few shotguns from Montrose Auctions 3/16 sale that caught my eye. BTW: There are a lot more decent doubles in this sale. To see all the shotguns going off tomorrow, go here.

A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 gauge Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun
A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 gauge Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun

A.H. Fox Sterlingworth SxS Shotgun: 16ga Serial # 366415, 28″ bbls. Good overall condition with traces of case coloring, barrels retain a smooth brown patina, LOP 14 3/8, with extractor, CHOKE improved cylinder, improved MOD barrel.

Winchester 101 O/U Shotgun: 28ga Serial # K225300 Excellent overall condition slightly thinning blue to trigger guard, LOP 14″, CHOKE MOD & improved cylinder, light dings and handling marks to wood barrel 26 1/2″ bbls.

Charles Daly O/U shotgun: 20ga, Serial # 68135, Barrel 28 inch, DOUBLE TRIGGERS. Modern, Very good condition with vent rib, choked modified/full, 3″ chambers and 14 1/4″ LOP.

L.C. Smith Field 20 gauge Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun, 28" barrels
L.C. Smith Field 20 gauge Side-by-Side Double Barrel Shotgun, 28″ barrels

LC Smith Field Grade SxS shotgun: 20ga, Serial # 10019, Barrel 28 inch, C&R, Very good overall condition slightly thinning blue on barrels, vivid case coloring on receiver ,MFD circa 1919. Choked full/full, 2 3/4″ chambers and 14 5/8″ LOP.

Savage Fox Sterlingworth SxS shotgun: 16ga, Serial # 371661, Barrel 28 inch, C&R, Very good overall condition, with revarnished wood, receiver polished, slightly thinning blue on barrels, with extractor, MFD in 1934. Choked improved cylinder/modified, 2 3/4″ chambers and 14″ LOP.

16 gauge Belgian-Made Charles Daly Over-Under Double Barrel Shotgun
16 gauge Belgian-Made Charles Daly Over-Under Double Barrel Shotgun

Charles Daly Belgian O/U Shotgun: 16ga Serial # 5210 Very good overall condition with case colored receiver, LOP 13 7/8, with straight grip English stock, CHOKE improved cylinder/cylinder, with ejectors barrel 26″ bbls.


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