My latest piece for Sporting Shot came out last week. Sporting Shot is the online brother of Shooting Sportsman magazine; my piece is about a spectacular collection of shotguns and rifles that I discovered last year.
The 12 gauge Daniel Fraser & Co. shotguns you see here are from that collection. As you can see, they’re fantastic side by sides. Check out the entire piece at Sporting Shot to find out more about them.
A Pair of Frasers, from Sporting Shot, Issue 15:
-So where do you want to start?” my host asked.

It was Saturday, a few minutes before noon. An hour earlier I had stepped off of a plane after a 1,200-mile flight, and my host had picked me up at the airport, driven me to his home in a suburban neighborhood of neat houses and nicely trimmed lawns. Now we were in his dining room,with the shades drawn against the midday sun. Ten leather shotgun cases were stacked on the table in front of us: Abercrombie & Fitches, nut-brown Bradys, and British oak & leathers with bright brass corners.
“How about right here?” I said, pulling aside an armchair and tapping one of the Bradys. I had a hunch about the case. It was tiny and had to hold a .410.
“Give it a go,” my host said, grinning like he knew I was about to be impressed. I sprung the case’s brass lock, lifted the lid and stopped.
After several moments of staring, all I could say was “Holy crap.” There, snug in the case’s red baize lining, was one of the rarest over/under shotguns on the planet: a Boss .410. And it looked brand-new.
“I told you,” my host said, grinning even wider. “And that’s just the start. We have nine more to go.”
Go here and click on A Rare Pair Head to Auction to read the entire piece and see more pics of these fantastic side-by-side shotguns.