Wow – a great W.W. Greener double rifle…

W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360

Over the last 184 years, the firm of W.W. Greener has made thousands of guns. Most of the ones we say today are shotguns like this and Martini rifles like this. What we don’t see a lot of are W.W. Greener double rifles, especially ones as nice and crisp as this .400/.360.

This Greener looks pretty much new – quite a feat considering it’s about 100 years old. Here’s the seller’s complete description of it:

Bought from the widow of the Michigan man who had it built. From my my personal collection. This gun is bloody SPECTACULAR!! All orininal, NOT REFINISHED, I guarantee it! Barrels are marked “AMM N 400/360 Case 2-3/4” and “Cordite 40 grs. bullet 300″, and ” W.W. Greener 68 Haymarket London”, SN 57xxx, Facile Princips Boxlock non-ejector action. 3-leaf rear sight, silver bead front, engine burnished buttplate surface, engraved Michigan game in the form of a Moose on one side of receiver, and a Mountain Lion (looks like leopard to me) on the other. 99+% ORIGINAL blue, 99+& ORIGINAL case, 100% ORIGINAL wood, 100% perfect mechanicals. 100% bores, All in it’s ORIGINAL oak & leather fitted case, with cleaning kit, cleaning rod, nickeled snap caps and an original box of Eley ammo. Absolutely none finer anywhere!!

W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360
W.W. Greener Side-by-Side Double Rifle, .400/.360




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