I search Gunbroker all the time, and months can go by before I come across anything decent. Most of the time its the same old, overpriced stuff, search after search, week after. But then something nice pops up…
This 12 gauge Westley Richards boxlock is something nice, and it’s on Gunbroker.com right now. This side-by-side Westley is a Connaught model boxlock, and it was built on a standard Anson & Deeley boxlock action.
I think Westley Richards made the Connaught from the early 1970s into the mid 1980s. It was available in a Deluxe and Plain model. According to the seller, the one you see here is a Deluxe model ordered in 1973, delivered in 1975, used once in 1983, and then kept in storage until now. Overall, it looks like a real nice gun.