These classic leather leg o’mutton shotgun cases are the gentlemanly way to carry your vintage double barrel shotgun into the field. This first one is the oldest of the two.

It was retailed by Von Lengerke & Antoinne, or V L & A , of Chicago, IL. From 1891 and into the 1930s, V L & A retailed all sorts of firearms to all sort of people in the Chicago area. In fact, two of the Colt Thompson Machine Guns used in Al Capone’s infamous St. Valentine’s Day massacre were delivered to their notorious owners by Von Lengerke & Antoinne.
This second case was made by Brauer Bos of St. Louis, MO. This case looks pretty much new, so if may be better for a younger double like a 20g Browning Superposed and a small bore Winchester Model 21.