Guyot is mysterious gunmaker. Even though the company made beautiful sidelocks and boxlocks, there’s very little information out there about its history. I know because I’ve been researching Guyot for years and all I’ve discovered is in this piece I wrote a few years ago: “Who the heck was Guyot?”
But nice Guyot shotguns keep popping up on the market. This nearly-new 16g boxlock came on the market last January and this 12 gauge side-by-side showed up a couple days ago:

N. Guyot Boxlock Ejector, 12 bore, 2 1/2″ chambers, ejectors, 28 1/4″ barrels choked .000 Cyl. and .034 Full, 6 lbs. 12 oz., 15 1/2″ LOP, double triggers, straight grip, splinter forend, very fine English scroll engraving with rose bouquets, rib extension 3rd bite, sideclips, concave game rib engraved “N. GUYOT ARQ A PARIS”
Unfortunately, it’s already sold. Just check out the pics (courtesy M.W. Reynolds) to see why it went so quickly.