I like 12 gauge side-by-sides. Size wise, they feel right to me. Unlike 20s, the bbls and stocks on 12 gauge fit well in my hands. I also like the versatility of the larger gauge. With the right loads, my go-to 12 gauge can handle everything from woodcock to wild pheasants.
Of course, twelves can have drawbacks, especially weight. A lot of twelve gauges are heavy, especially ones made by American companies like Parker, Lefever & A.H. Fox. In fact, it’s hard to find a 12 gauge American double that comes it at under 7lbs. That’s one of the reasons why I like this L.C. Smith:
LC Smith Specialty Grade 12ga Featherweight with ejectors, 28″ bbls

As a featherweight, it’s probably under 7 lbs, and it may as light at 6 3/4lbs. That weight, along with the straight stock, 28″ bbls, and high dimensions, make this could a candidate for a perfect all around double,.
L.C. Smith introduced the Specialty grade in 1913 as “…a well-balanced and good shooting-gun and we have every confidence in recommending it to sportsmen who are desirous of having a high quality gun and do not feel justified in purchasing our highest.” In all, L.C. Smith made 4,826 twelve gauge Specialties. I bet very few were featherweights set up like this one. So if you like what you see, I would say get on it today.