The road to success is littered with good ideas and strong starts. For every company that makes it, many others wither away and die. The Baltimore Arms Co. was a company that didn’t make it.
From January 1900 to October 1904, they manufactured side-by-side shotguns based on a patent designed by Frank Hollenbeck. These doubles came in three different variations: a 1900 model, a 1902 model and a 1904 model. The 1900 models came in 3 Grades ( A, B & C) and one gauge (12). All grades came with half-pistol grips and damascus bbls. Grade Cs could also be ordered with fluid steel barrels and straight grips.
For the 1902 models, the company added 16-gauges along with two higher grades: the Trap Gun (list price $125) with straight grip and a Grade D. The 1904 models featured slightly tweaked actions and several new options for the B Grades.

Overall, it the Baltimore Arms Company made around 6,000 shotguns. While that’s not a ton of doubles, it is enough to keep a couple on the market most of the time. A search on Gunbroker.com will usually pull a one up.
Check out this string here from Doublegunshop.com to take a look a few nices ones, including a real sweet Grade D with a straight grip.