Wow – check out this 20 gauge Charles Daly Regent Diamond shotgun that just hit the market. it appears to be in excellent original condition. This side-by-side looks like it’s spectacular original condition. While it’s not cheap ($24,000), that price is pretty fair when you consider how rare and well made it is.
Regent Diamonds were the most “deluxe” of deluxe guns that Lindner made for Charles Daly (go to this post to compare it to a regular Diamond). The workmanship on them is absolutely top notch. Just check out how beautifully sculpted the action, fences and toplever are. Even though the gold on this one is a bit over the top, it’s well tastefully executed so that it helps make this a real elegant little gun.
Charles Daly 20 gauge Regent Diamond double barrel shotgun #2390:

Chamber: 2 1/2 “
Length: 26 ”
Chokes: IC/F
Lop: 14 1/2 ”
Pad thickness: 1 ”
Type of butt: Old English Pad
Drop comb: 1 3/4 ”
Drop heel: 2 7/8 ”

Cast amount: 1/8 ”
Cast: On
Weight: 5 lbs, 8 oz