My Opener, Take 2…

Puck, doing what she loves...
Puck, doing what she loves…

Last Saturday was a bit of a bust. Puck and I spent the morning scouting new covers. We found some good looking spots, but just about all of them were filled with NO HUNTING/NO TRESPASSING signs. I HATE that, but what can you do? Puck and I ended up finding just one woodcock and one grouse all day – not very promising. And I didn’t get a shot off on either one.

Sunday was better. Maine stocks pheasants in the southern part of the state and we hit an area where they put a lot of birds. We moved 5 pheasants and 1 woodcock in about 1.5 hours. Unfortunately, you can’t “hunt” on Sundays (you can run your dog on birds), so all I could do was watch the birds fly off. Not that I minded, really.

So today we’re out today and going at it again. We’re off to hit some spots that should be OK. I was able to access them last season, and my fingers are crossed that the same will be true this year. I’ll try and report back tonight.

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