Gunrunner Online Auctions has a bunch of nice look guns going off over the next few days,

G. Parenti 12 ga. side by side shotgun, 27 1/2″, Scroll Engraved, Hard Case, Italy
including this handful of decent shotguns. Check them out now.
Winchester Model 42 Skeet, .410., straight grip
Winchester 1897 “Black Diamond” Trap, 12 ga. pump, 2 barrels, mfg. 1918
SKB Model 885 Sporting, 20 ga. over/under shotgun, 28″, 7 tubes, Hard Case
G. Parenti 12 ga. side by side shotgun, 27 1/2″, Scroll Engraved, Hard Case, Italy

W.W. Greener Single Barrel Trap, 12 ga. shotgun, 32″, mfg. London
LeFever GE Grade, 12 ga. side by side shotgun, 30″, Ejectors
L.C. Smith Specialty Grade, 12 ga. side by side shotgun, Ejectors, Single Trigger, 28″
Beretta S56E, 12 ga. over/under shotgun, 30″, M/F, Italy