A couple of great looking grouse guns…

Looking for a grouse gun? Take your pick. These two 20 gauges would be perfect in the uplands, and they’re are also excellent deals.

20 gauge Orvis/Beretta 686 Upland Over & Under Shotgun
20 gauge Orvis/Beretta 686 Upland Over & Under Shotgun

20 gauge Orvis/Beretta Uplander 686 Over & Under: the Beretta 686 O/U is one of the world’s greatest guns. This one is set up to be the holy grail of doubles for grouse & woodcock. Lightweight, with a nice straight grip, excellent dimensions, and perfect chokes, it’s all you could ask for. With the all black action, it’s a great looking double, too.

20 gauge Orvis/Beretta 686 Upland Over & Under Shotgun
20 gauge Orvis/Beretta 686 Upland Over & Under Shotgun


-5lbs 14oz

-14 1/2 LOP, 1 3/8 DAC, 2 1/8 DAH

-26 1/2 inch barrels,  2 3/4, IC/MOD

20 gauge Orvis/Arrieta Uplander Side-by-Side: Arrieta makes some of the finest side-by-side shotguns coming out of Spain. For the money, this one  here is almost impossible to beat — especially when you consider how much a comparable new one costs today ($5,000+).


-28″ bbls, 2 3/4″, IC/MOD

20 gauge Orvis Arrieta Upland Side by Side Shotgun
20 gauge Orvis Arrieta Upland Side by Side Shotgun
20 gauge Orvis Arrieta Upland Side by Side Shotgun
20 gauge Orvis Arrieta Upland Side by Side Shotgun
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