Of all the major American shotgun makers, the Lefever Arms Co. turned out the fewest side-by-sides – right around 70,000 or so in all. The vast majority of these were 12 gauges, followed by 10. Lefever turned out far fewer double barrels in 16 & 20 gauge, and finally any of them today, in any grade, is hard to do.
That makes this little 16 gauge GE grade a scarce gun, and the fact that it appears to be in excellent condition makes it even scarcer. Made around 1901-1902, this guns appears to be awfully original. I love the damascus bbls, and the ejectors are a nice bonus. As another plus, this 16 gauge was built on a 20 gauge frame (the X X marks on the action denote this), so I’m sure it’s a real lively shotgun.
BTW: under no circumstances should you lengthen the chambers on this gun to 2 3/4″. DON’T DO IT.