Auction Alert: Parkers, L.C. Smiths, Fox double barrels…

12 gauge Parker DH grade double barrel shotgun
12 gauge Parker DH grade double barrel shotgun

Brunk Auctions in Asheville, North Carolina is having a an interesting sale this Saturday, July 14. There are a bunch of very nice looking double barrels shotguns there, including these side by sides:

Lot 0840: Ithaca/SKB, Model 200E,  20 gauge, 28 in. barrels pistol grip, beavertail forend, single trigger. Excellent condition, possibly unused, mirror bore.

Lot 0839: L.C. Smith Field, 20 ga. 28 in. barrels, serial number 10741; permit.  75% original case colors.

Lot 0831 L.C. Smith Field, 16 ga. 28 in. barrels, STRAIGHT GRIP serial number 400210R. arms, Action with original case colors, barrels with moderate wear to bluing, checkered stock extended at butt. Mirror bore.

L.C. Smith 16 gauge Field double barrel shotgun
L.C. Smith 16 gauge Field double barrel shotgun

Lot 0830: Parker DH grade 16 ga., 32″ barrels, clean bore,  with most original case colors & bluing. Serial number 218804. Stock with very minor dents and scratches, otherwise excellent condition.

Lot 0836: Fox Sterlingworth 20 ga., 26″, barrels with original bluing and marks for Savage Arms and Sterlingworth, serial number 261393. Overall excellent condition, metal parts with traces of original color, minor finish losses on forearm.

Lot 0829: Parker DH grade 12 ga., 30″ Titanic Steel bbls, STRAIGHT GRIP, serial number 154929. Stock with original finish and scattered dents and scratches from normal wear, receiver with traces of original case colors, barrels with 75 percent original bluing.

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