Auction Alert: a Sigarms Aurora TT45 12g…

Here’s another good double barrel shotgun that’s up for auction: a Sigarms Aurora TT45 12g. This is a NO RESERVE auction and it ends June 10, 2012 17:40:00 PT.

Sigarms Aurora TT45 12ga, Over/Under Shotgun
Sigarms Aurora TT45 12ga, Over/Under Shotgun

These Sigarms Over & Under shotguns were made in Italy by B. Rizzini and the ones I’ve seen has been a solid, dependable guns. With 32″ bbls, this one looks like it would be ideal for targets. The going retail price on these today is $2000+. With some luck, you may be able to get this for quite a bit less.

Sigarms Aurora TT45 12ga, Over/Under Shotgun
Sigarms Aurora TT45 12ga, Over/Under Shotgun
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