Lefevers are my favorite American shotguns and E-grades are my favorite Lefevers. With 6 grades above it and 4 below it, the E was sort of Lefever’s middle-grade side by side.

This E grade is a nice, clean example of a 12 gauge. The price – $2950 – is pretty fair, too. For comparison, here’s another Lefever EE in 12 gauge.
With just a bit more finish than the F grade, and less detailing than upper grades like this B, Lefever’s E grade is where the styling is just right. In 1904 it cost $100 without ejectors, $115 with – expensive, but $300 cheaper than Lefever’s top gun – the Optimus.
BTW: If you have a 16 gauge Lefevers for sale, contact me right away. I’m interested in purchasing it.