Ninety percent of the double barrel British shotguns we come across are standard UK 12 gauges. They weigh 6 1/2 – 6 3/4lbs, they have 2 1/2″ chambers, and they’re proofed for 1 1/8 ounces of shot.
That’s what makes this double barrel special. With original 2 3/4″ chambers and being proofed for 1 1/4″oz of shot, it’s was built for heavier loads. Think of it as a British light-magnum, and at 7.5lbs it weighs about as much as regular American 12g like a Fox Sterlingworth.
A shotgun like this Jeffrey was probably made for shooting wood pigeons and smaller wildfowl. Today, it would be a great gun on wild pheasants or sporting clays.