Good gun alert: 20 gauge Beretta Gr-2 double barrel…

Here’s a good deal on a very practical shotgun. It’s a 20 gauge Beretta GR-2 side by side. These guns are pretty common, but most of the ones I see have 26″ bbls and a single trigger. This one has 28″ barrels and double triggers (the front trigger is even articulated).

Beretta 20 gauge GR-2 double barrel shotgun
Beretta 20 gauge GR-2 double barrel shotgun

At $1399, it looks like a lot of gun for the money. The dimensions are good (1 3/8″ DAC, 2 1/4″ DAH, 14″ LOP) and the condition looks excellent. At 6 1/2 lbs., it is a bit on the heavy side for a twenty. But is also has 3″ chambers, and if you stuff hot ammo into it you’ll appreciate the extra weight.

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