Another Charles Daly, this one a Diamond Grade…

I wrote about this 24 gauge Charles Daly Regent Diamond grade A couple weeks ago. Today, lets look at a much earlier Daly double barrel.

Charles Daly Diamond Grade double barrel shotgun
Charles Daly Diamond Grade double barrel shotgun

This is a 12 gauge Diamond grade, one step down from the Regent Diamond, but in many ways a much more beautiful side by side. This gun was made in the 19th century, probably around 1892. Back then, Daly’s Diamond grade was their best shotgun, and Lindner went out of his way to make sure these were exceptional guns. You can see this quality in how well the action is sculpted and the stock is formed. The engraving is also fantastic.

The other thing I like about this gun i how no one thing steals the show. Instead, the wood, the engraving, the Extra Fine Damascus barrels, and the entire gun come together in one stunning impression.

Instead saying “Look at that wood” or “Wow, what fancy engraving,” I looked at this Daly and thought “Look at that ‘friggin gun!” To me, that’s what makes a a side-by-side a Best quality gun.


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