Much of the following is taken from email sent out today by Project Upland. I encourage you to take action right way. Learn more.

The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will be considering the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act during a meeting Thursday at 10 a.m.
If passed, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) will create a sustainable funding source for state fish and game agencies, tribal wildlife agencies, partner conservation groups, and private landowners … $1.3 billion to $1.4 billion each year.

To share your support of RAWA with your congressional representatives, please, at the minimum copy and paste the statement below (feel free to personalize where appropriate) and call them at the phone number provided:
Dear Senator,
I am a user of our natural resources and a deep supporter of conservation measures in the country. I ask you to support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act as is and urge your colleagues to do the same. Having dedicated funding for wildlife, especially those in critical need, is vital at this time.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Specific leaders to contact
To find contact information for the Committee on Environment and Public Works members, follow the link here.
Congressional Switchboard
(202) 224-3121
When calling this number, be sure to ask the operator for your applicable leaders and/or the members of a specific committee.
BY A.J. DeROSA, Project Upland
More about the RAWA from The National Wildlife Federation:

Another way to take action, from The Wildlife Society.