Online auction alert: A 16g Fox Sterlingworth to stare at …

A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun

If I had a $1 for every time someone said to me “I would like find a nice, original Fox Sterlingworth”, I’d have enough money to buy nice, original 16g Sterlie you see here.

A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun

It’s on now and the online auction ends 2/21/2021 @ 8:33 PM.

While Fox Sterlingworths are far from rare (more than 150,000 were built), ones in solid, original condition are hard to find, especially in 16 gauge.

A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun

A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun: This is a A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga and this gun is a jewel. Weighing in at 6 lbs (feels like a lot less) the LOP is 14 1/“ DOC 2” and DAH is “3 this little gun comes up like a dream! It has on little tiny chip on the edge of the forearm but other than that this is a super ALL ORIGINAL gun. The case color is 95% and the wood 85+ Only bc of the chip. The barrels are 28” imp modified/ Full.

A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
A. H. Fox Sterlingworth 16 ga SxS Shotgun
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