Interesting W. & C. Scotts on the market right now…

Here’s something you don’t see every day: Two W. & C. Scott Premier shotguns, both circa 1891. Premiers were Scott’s standard top of the line shotgun and in their day they were as expensive as a Purdey or Boss.

W. & C. Scott Premier Shotgun
W. & C. Scott Premier Shotgun

What makes these two even more interesting is their prices: the more original one is barely more expensive than the messed with one. I think both prices are too high, one by $5000, the other by $8000. Take a look and decide for yourself.

A W & C Scott Premier, circa 1890, at Willoughby & McCabe. A beautiful old Scott. It has Teagued bbls and I would say the stock has been converted to a straight grip and refinished. Check out the velvet-lined case this gun comes in. Those are original labels, too.

A W & C Scott Premier, circa 1890, at Osprey Outfitters. This gun has a lot of original condition and overall it is stunning. The bbls are good & in proof. I’d say the stock has been cleaned up a little and lightly  refinished.


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