Made Old Again — my latest article in Covey Rise magazine …

My latest article in Covey Rise, Oct-Nov 2019 edition
My latest article in Covey Rise, Oct-Nov 2019 edition

“Restore” is a 4-letter word. On vintage guns, it really means “refinished” — and, most of the time, these guns are not refinished in ways that reflect what they looked like when new.

When old gun cases are “restored”, they often suffer the same fate — unless Kade Gile works on them.

Excerpt of Made Old Again, from Covey Rise magazine, Oct/Nov, 2019
Excerpt of Made Old Again, from Covey Rise magazine, Oct/Nov, 2019

Kade doesn’t make old gun cases look new. Instead, he repairs or refits them while retaining their vintage charm. He brings them back to life but makes sure they look old again.

Covey Rise, Oct-Nov 2019 edition
Covey Rise, Oct-Nov 2019 edition

I wrote about how he does it in this article from the October-November issue of Covey Rise magazine.

BTW: Have a gun case you would like Kade to work on? Drop him an email:

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